FANS of Chorley artist Tom Titherington can still catch his exhibition of his memories of the Second World War at the University of Liverpool.

Tom, a former head of art and design at Edge Hill College, Ormskirk, has created a series of paintings and lino cuts based on his own experiences living on Merseyside during war.

Last year, Tom won first prize in the 'Liverpool 8' open exhibition for graduates from the School of Art, but said the opportunity came about by chance.

Tom, a former Chorley borough councillor of Towngate, Eccleston, said: "I took part in an open exhibition by Liverpool and John Moores University last year. To be honest, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time because someone saw my work and came to visit me in my studio."

His biggest work will be the Battle of the Atlantic, which measures 6x4 feet. The exhibition runs at the University, Abercromby Square, from 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday, until March 21.