IN response to the letters about the Sure Start playgroups and the article "Not Poor Enough" (August 1 and 3).

I was pictured in the article and gave an opinion, and can I begin by saying that I think this article was inappropriately titled.

I certainly do not think that the people of Halliwell are poor, nor under privileged. I can still attend these playgroups and I wouldn't say that it is because I am poor.

I have written a previous letter (July 25) when I was adamant in saying that this decision was not the fault of Sure Start, but that of the Government. These letters are implying that I, along with others, am having a go at Sure Start. Can I assure you that I am not. I just want to voice my opinion, as I am sure everyone else does.

The letters also mention new members feeling uncomfortable -- as if there is a "clique". All I can say to this is that I have never felt uncomfortable, nor have I joined a clique where I try to make new members feel uncomfortable. If I have done this then it has been totally unintentional. I go to these groups for the well-being of my two children and for that reason only.

In answer to the question "Why can't these people access services within their own communities?" Well, we are in our own community. None of the people involved live in Markland Hill or Horwich, as suggested. They live in Heaton, only minutes over the borders of these areas. One little girl does live in Horwich, but her grandmother looks after her in Heaton. In fact, when I voted for a local councillor this year, it said "Halliwell" on my voting card.

As you have, I too have accessed Sure Starts facilities. I have been on a computer course, used the crches, the toddler groups etc, and Sure Start have been wonderful. We wouldn't be having this debate if they were rubbish in what they do. But, please put yourself in the position of the people who are no longer able to attend. How would you feel if all the support they had offered you was suddenly taken away, for the sake of a couple of streets?

Since this discussion started, it seems that sides have been formed, and when I have attended recent toddler groups at the Sure Start centre, I have felt a little uneasy, even though I am able to attend. I feel that this is because I have spoken out for what I believe. I just hope that the atmosphere returns to the happy one that I remember. It would be a shame if that were lost. We must remember that these sessions are for the sake of our children.

I, too, have nothing but praise for Sure Start, but that doesn't make this decision fair!

Mrs Joanne Kenny

Silverdale Road

Heaton, Bolton