DO you know anything about polo? Thought not. Neither do I as a matter of fact. But I found myself at a charity polo match in Windsor on Wednesday where Tess and I headed straight for the China White tent.

As you may have read in the papers, Jamie Theakston was there chatting to Emma Bunton AND his old flame, Joely Richardson.

Now, I'm not one to gossip -- I'll leave that to the nationals -- but Jamie and Joely, well it's nice they've stayed on speaking terms isn't it? That's all I'm saying.

During lunch I sat next to West Ham and England midfielder, Trevor Sinclair. We both set the sporting world to rights, debating the World Cup and dissecting every footy team on earth.

He told me he thought Bolton Wanderers had a great side and, of course, I had to agree with him.

So, all in all, it was a good day. Didn't see much polo though -- mind you, I never saw much of it being played in Bolton, not much room on the Safeway car park in Breightmet!

Don't forget to watch the Charlatans Homecoming gig on CH4 tonight. I do the voiceover. It was a brilliant gig in Manchester. See you next Friday.