WELL, over the past week we've been basking not only in the sunshine but in the glow of the Commonwealth Games which has been a brilliant experience for the region.

Key 103 have been causing a bit of bother with our huge 160-foot airship which has been soaring around the skies of Manchester. We are very proud of it as it has been a bit of a fixture of the Games. We've been taking people for rides and popping up all over the place including the opening ceremony.

However, it was getting about so much that the Coronation Street cast down the road were finding that it interfered with their recording and was constantly getting in shot! In the end they had to ring us up to check if we were going to be flying overhead before they started. They took it all in good humour though! Even Tony Blair has commented upon our wonderful flying machine saying he thought it was great but he was glad he wasn't in it!

The Madferrit has also been doing the rounds all week offering prize giveaways galore and I reckon that the Games has given the North-west a great atmosphere. Not only did we manage to get some sunshine (persuading people that in the North it doesn't always drizzle all year round!) but England did really well, scooping plenty of medals.

I suppose by next week all will be back to normal but for this weekend I'm going to enjoy the sport-related buzz that is around Manchester, and Key 103 for that matter! Have a great weekend.