IT was the weight of the mighty Royal Oak against the military minds of the General Williams when two teams met in the great Lancashire Quiz Challenge.

The Bolton team from the Bradshaw pub took on the Burnley pub for the recording of the quiz as part of the Bolton Evening News/ BBC Radio Lancashire and GMR series.

The Royal Oak team, the second of eight local teams who will be pitting their wits against neighbouring East Lancashire teams over the summer, has been together for 12 years.

School secretary at Horwich Parish school, Barbara Worthington was joined by team members accountant Martin Collins and husband and wife Richard and Christine Elias.

Bolton's own Norman Prince is acting as quizmaster for all the shows.

To find out how the Bradshaw team went on, tune into Radio Lancashire or GMR on Saturday lunchtime on August 17.

Other recordings due to take place are: Tuesday, July 23, the Crown Hotel, Horwich, playing hosts to the Rising Bridge Inn from Accrington; Wednesday, July 24, home team the King William pub, Bolton, will take on the Woodman Hotel from Burnley, and on Tuesday, August 6, the Cheetham Arms, Blackburn Road, Bolton, will play a team from Snapes and Co printers, Preston.

Supporters who want to cheer on the Bolton teams can turn up at the pubs -- recording starts at 8.30pm.