IWRITE to thank all those who took part in "Songs of Praise" on Sunday.

Not only the singing but also the conduct of the children throughout a long afternoon brought great credit to both the school and Bolton as a whole. It was very clear that a great deal of work had gone into training and encouraging the children.

Smithills School Band, all the choirs from schools and churches across the borough, and other musical contributions made the music a joy to hear. A special thanks must go to Rev Phil Mason for his part both before and on the day. The large attendance by the public also contributed to a wonderful day for Bolton. The sight of 3000 flags waving across a packed Victoria Square is one I was privileged to witness.

I am sure that when the programme is broadcast on July 28, the best of Bolton will be seen across the country and that it will reflect the great pride we all have in our town.

I also want to thank everyone involved, not just on the day but in all the planning and preparation which went on before the event. It all made for another success for Bolton.

Once again, my sincere thanks to all those involved.

Cllr John Walsh OBE

Mayor of Bolton