IF "Fed -up resident" had taken the trouble to read my letter properly as regards the CCTV I wrote, and I quote "It is true that CCTV cameras HAVE or are ABOUT to be installed".

Just how that reliably informs you that they had not yet been installed amazes me. But then again, I'm not very clever with my letter writing. As regards the "cardboard cut-outs of community policemen".

Well, anyone can be facetious and, apart from getting a cheap laugh, it proves nothing. At least our community policeman has an excellent track record for getting things done in the area. Perhaps you should get to know more about him and the work he does instead of making snipe remarks behind your mask.

As regards the Resident's Groups that have been set up in the Oxford Grove area, your only moan appears to be money orientated. We are all volunteers, is there something wrong with that? As regards the Resident's Association, we are elected members, all voluntary, no money passes hands, and we can be de-selected at the AGM by the residents. Why not come along and de-select the lot of us.

Again, as regards the Newsletter "that drops through your letter box now and again", yes I hold my hand up, I'm the idiot that produces it, simply because no one else wants to. It's not a brilliant piece of work, and most likely would not be missed by people like yourself, but I do know that it is well received by other people, so that is all the reward I need or want.

As regards the grants that are available to groups that exist in the community, are we all to be condemned for applying for them? If we didn't, someone else would.

As regards the two Councillors and myself not having to hide behind a pseudonym, why should we? As far as I am aware, I have nothing to hide or fear. If I have something to say or write, my name will be freely available.

As regards the councillors, no matter what their politics are, they will not be able to please all the people all of the time. As regards you having to hide behind a pseudonym, well that is your prerogative, but some people do stand up to be counted. Although they may belong to an organised, and registered group, they DO NOT hide behind it, and I resent the fact that you think that I, or we, as an elected committee, do.

If all the voluntary groups that have been formed, decided to fold up and capitulate, would the area be any better for it. I don't think so. In some respects, the yobs may have won some battles, but they won't win the war.

I will satisfy myself by inviting you to our AGM which will be held in the Sure-Start Centre at 7.30pm on July 18, and you may remain anonymous. The councillors will be there.

Jack Sinclair, Secretary

Oxford Grove

Residents Association
