IN reading letters from Grenville Moore, I don't know whether to laugh or cry!

But I do know that it is sad such people, thankfully now in a minority, still hold their views with such fervour.

We now live in the 21st century, where the majority of us have been enlightened against certain stories written in an ancient book, when people were still members of the flat earth society.

We live in a democracy, and are entitled to our views whatever they may be, but it is in following certain fundamentalistic ideals or creeds from different faiths in time past and present, that has created havoc and hatred. I thank God I wasn't around in ages when we were awash with such bible thumping! It is a pity certain people can't see further than their noses. While I don't share Rev Michael Williams' faith, he is obviously a man of respect, and it is interesting to read his opinions on world affairs and differing cultures.

To Grenville Moore, who continually quotes bible text and "adheres to the letter", I have selected and submit a few of many. It would be interesting to note what his views are upon the following bible texts. Exodus 22: 18; Leviticus 25: 44-46; Psalm 2: 8-9; Titus 2: 9; Ephesians 6: 5; Matthew 27; 25.

Mr R Slater

Melville Road

Kearsley, Bolton