Bolton Little Theatre, Make Way For Lucia, Runs until Saturday

THIS comedy is based on the books by EF Benson and focuses on 1920s' society life in the middle class village of Tilling -- particularly the battle for supremacy between two women.

Miss Mapp has been the central figure in Tilling -- that is until the arrival of the glamorous Lucia, who rents her home for the summer.

It quickly becomes obvious Tilling is not big enough for the both of them, and the women lock horns in a battle for social supremacy.

The play is set in the Little Theatre's smaller Forge Theatre which helps give a more intimate feel to proceedings.

It is light, frothy and just pure fun.

The play also takes a gentle poke at the mannerisms and niceties of that era, subtly mocking the rules by which Society lived in that time.

Performances were of the standard expected by the Little Theatre, with June Grice perfect in the role of the impeccable Lucia, and Cath Blower giving a lovely performance as the thwarted Miss Mapp -- her facial expressions were wonderful.

Among the other colourful characters worth mentioning was Michael Hope's portrayal of the foppish George Pillson.

Stuart O'Hara as the Italian composer Signor Cortese also gave a memorable cameo performance, as did Nina Faulkner as the maid Grosvenor.

Costumes were excellent -- particularly the wonderful array of dresses worn by June Grice in the role of Lucia.

This is a play which offers escapism. You do not have to think too hard, just sit back and enjoy the nonsense of it all.

Beverly Greenberg