EUTHANASIA (mercy killing) is a crime in Britain and rightly so.

Now in an alarming document with the strange title of "Making Decisions: Helping People!", the Government is proposing that the routine killing of seriously ill patients by denying them food and water should be allowed -- passive euthanasia.The main proposal is that "living wills" (in better terms: death wishes) should be legalised so that doctors who assist in euthanasia cannot be prosecuted.

This is not about switching off machines when patients are terminally ill and dying, but about depriving people their food and water when they are not dying so that they will die!

The intention is not to preserve life, but to deliberately shorten it, so this really is a matter of life and death, not just for doctors, but for all of us who expect that our politicians will make "good" laws, not "bad" laws.

Do we really want to kill people just because they ask us to do so? No! That would be seriously wrong!

If you still value life, please write and ask your MP to vote against these frightening proposals.

Marie & Laurence Dillon

Smithills Croft Road

Smithills, Bolton