REGARDING Mrs Brenda Lynch's letter, "When will we ever learn"?

At least I agree with the title, but for a different reason. This is because we do not live in an ideal world.

I acknowledge the fact that a new-born baby has as much right to be here as Tony Blair, the Queen, Margaret Thatcher or an old tramp.

Many of the abortions quoted by Mrs Lynch will be a blessing in disguise. What chance have such children whose mothers are single, very young, or irresponsible "gymslip" mums? This is no reflection on certain single mums who I know can bring up their children properly.

The weak spot is, however, the frailty of certain very young girls who, in an ideal world, would never have got pregnant in the first place. Then there is the ever-increasing population. We are nearer crunch-time than we think when the world's resources will no longer keep pace with the huge world population increase.

Mankind has gone forth and multiplied, but over the years has been greatly overdoing it. The balance can only be redressed by negative population growth.

(Name and address supplied)