REGARDING the letter from D A Hill concerning a stray dog which he/she kindly took off the street a few years ago.

I was in the same position. I found a dog, which had obviously been abandoned, tied to a lamppost. It was cold, wet and terrified.

Although I was on my way to work, I untied it and took it to the RSPCA. They told me to take it to the police station, which I did. The police obviously did not want to take it and made 101 excuses not to do so.

They told me to take it to the Animal Shelter, which was then in Vernon Street. I traipsed to the Animal Shelter, where I was told they couldn't accept it as it had to come through police channels. I traipsed back to the police station, by this time tired and angry.

The dog was taken by a policewoman. I came away, half a day's wages short and still boiling!

D A Hill is right -- when you have a stray dog, nobody wants to know!

Lawrence Holmes

Higher Bridge Street
