WHAT can I say?

A confused Peter Johnston (Letters, June 4) says he read my letter six times. Thank you. Are you sure it was from me? Mine did not refute Mr Caminada's worthiness, just pointing out his work would not have been restricted as with today's police. Nor did I make mention of disbelieving the level of crime in any part of the 19th century and the last time I mentioned prisoners was August 2000 ("Six months in an old style Princetown prison on Dartmoor would have more effect than two years elsewhere today.")

He suggests the question should be "How was it that most of the 20th century was calm and stable?" Now I'm confused! Previously he accused such as myself of claiming this was a mythical golden age! Could it be, as he implies, the new school system with corporal punishment, supported by a police force with real powers worked, right up until CP was abolished, along with police powers. What most people can't understand is why also abolish the teaching of respect, morality, discipline and manners. Children were then given rights, to be wrong.

He, along with a few supporters, constantly harp on about CP inflicting pain and brutality as though everyone was beaten to death as many OAPs are today. Please read the following loudly.

The cane etc was a deterrent. It was not perfect but it worked. Not all received it and only a few who deserved it found it abhorrent and, yes, the thug does take the stance of inflicting their immorality on to such as OAPs because they were taught no better.

Geoff Pollitt

Towers Avenue

Deane, Bolton