FLUORIDATION keeps cropping up like the bad penny.

I read with interest the letter from the nuclear engineer from Hawaii. Already many states have refused to have their water fluoridated. They tried again three months ago to re-introduce fluoride into the water. Result was 90 per cent against, 3 per cent in favour, and the rest no response and this is happening all over the USA.

Dr Andrew Rynne is to see the Irish government (Republic of Ireland) for continuing fluoridation. Dr Rynne stated "every day of his life he is medicated without his consent".

The Irish Medical Board, which is responsible for the licensing of medicinal products, is cited as co-defendants in the case of the Republic of Ireland, as the only country in Europe that has compulsory fluoridation. Part of Dr Rynne's case will depend upon the very first words of the "Nuremberg Principles" to stop medical experiments on people without their consent.

The Nuremberg Principles state: "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential."

We wait and see hopefully the end of fluoridation.

M Casstles

Lucas Road

Farnworth, Bolton