DAILY MIRROR: Sven-Goran Eriksson last night pleaded with his fellow Swedes not to target David Beckham and send the England captain limping out of the World Cup.

DAILY EXPRESS: Terry Venables has taken up Swede bashing just days before Sven-Goran Eriksson leads England into the World Cup finals.

DAILY MAIL: Sepp Blatter's FIFA regime was branded an

absolute disgrace' by FA chief Adam Crozier yesterday as the desperate president brazenly sought to gag his critics in Korea.

DAILY STAR: The Roy Keane sage threw up more farcical twists last night with the deposed Republic of Ireland skipper on the brink of flying back to the World Cup.

DAILY TELEGRAPH: The Japanese island community where Sven-Goran Eriksson's men have set up camp is so far over budget on its security spending that the mayor may have to sell some of the town's gold bars if England make it through to the knock-out stage.

THE INDEPENDENT: He gave them a good run for their money. Not until last night were punters who had backed Roy Keane down from 8-1 to 6-4 to rejoin the Republic of Ireland's chaotic World Cup campaign required to tear up their betting slips.