YOUR article "Latest fluoride plans given the brush off" on May 14, reported that again officials are trying to force people to drink water with the chemical fluoride added to it.

Fluoride is more poisonous than lead and only slightly less poisonous than arsenic and it has been banned or discontinued in most of Europe. The fluoride used in water fluoridation is fluorosilicic acid, which is toxic waste from the chimney stacks of phosphate fertiliser factories.

In Scotland, Lanarkshire's high tooth decay was halved by an agreement between a community dentist, parents, teachers and children, for youngsters to consume less sweets and fizzy drinks. This benefits their general health and is much better than adding a chemical. They are also taught how to clean their teeth correctly. Whereas the Government's pro-fluoride York Review showed fluoride only reduced tooth decay by 15 per cent at most.

Too much fluoride causes permanent mottling of children's teeth called dental fluorosis, an outward sign of harm. In any case, it cannot be right to medicate everyone regardless of need, age, health or personal choice.

C Wills, Dulverton Road

Ruislip, Middlesex