DO you have any general pictures of events inside of the Palais during the late 1960s-early 70s era?

I ask because I have been approached from a firm making a programme for television, called "Love Cheats from Hell", about, among other things, people who have been duped by lovers (such as the famous Dierdre storyline in Coronation Street). One of the subjects comes from this area, and was a DJ at the Palais during that time, so the company is looking for some illustrations of the Palais - it may be a still picture, or even a video film.

If you have something you can lend the firm (everything will be returned), please send it to Katharine Patrick, September Films, Glen House, 22 Glen Thorne Road, London, W6 ONG (Tel 0208 563 9393. e-mail: If you send anything by mail, please mark the envelope "Love Cheats from Hell).