I WAS sorry to read the sour and petulant remarks of Mr James Woodrow about overseas aid (Letters, May 20).

It is to this Government's enduring credit that it has increased the total we provide towards helping the poorest people on planet earth, after that amount withered under the previous Conservative government. But increasing overseas development is not only morally just, it also makes good business sense. For today's developing countries may well blossom into the next China or Japan, and need goods and services from developed countries like Britain.

I found Mr Woodrow's remark about this country "molly-coddling" others annoying bar-room rhetoric. Britain has a long and proud tradition of aiding developing countries -- long may that work continue.

When we talk about overseas aid, we are not talking about exporting Saville Row suits and Bollinger champagne to keep Africans in the lap of luxury as they surf the Internet. What we are talking about is providing clean water and access to basic healthcare to eradicate fatal, but preventable, diseases.

I find the mean-spiritedness of those who would deny an African child inoculation from cholera, frankly, disgusting. May I also be permitted to correct Mr Woodrow's assertions about our public services. We now have more teachers, doctors, nurses and police officers than ever before. I quite sympathise with Mr Woodrow that we need more still, but that is no excuse for his hysterical inventions.

Kevin Meagher

Hereford Crescent

Little Lever, Bolton