A TRIAL was stopped when a man accused of punching and kicking another man unconscious admitted a lesser charge.

Darrin Lane denied causing Brian Green grievous bodily harm with intent but admitted affray. He was sentenced to a 150-hour Community Punishment Order.

Mr Green was left in a coma after a late-night attack where he was allegedly punched and kicked.

He had been drinking in the Central Bar in Horwich when he saw his estranged wife Carol talking to another man.

When his wife left the bar, Mr Green went outside to see if he could find out where she and the man had gone.

Outside the bar were Darrin Lane and a friend. Mr Green asked them if they had seen the man but words were exchanged between them which eventually developed into a running fight.

Lane, aged 34, of Leicester Avenue, Horwich, denied at Bolton Crown Court causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Mr Green was taken to hospital by ambulance suffering from serious head injuries including bruising to the brain. He went into a coma.

Lane accepted that he had punched Mr Green but denied kicking him while he was on the ground.