I WISH to correct an assertion made by Andrew P Morgan (Letters, April 6) that Conservative councillors are protecting the quality of life in the Hulton Park Ward.

Mr Morgan clearly has no knowledge of the voting record of Tory councillors, but I am happy to enlighten him.

In recent years the two biggest planning applications to come before the planning committee at Bolton have both been in Hulton Park. Hall Lee, with more than 1,000 houses and the Cutacre Opencast mine.

Tory councillors supported both and both were rejected by Bolton's Labour council and subject to public inquiries. At both inquiries no Conservative took the opportunity of addressing the planning inspector, as I certainly did. Labour councillors attended meetings with residents from Little Hulton, which shares a boundary with the opencast mine.

Again, no Tory to be seen. I myself arranged three public meetings with residents close to the site, once again, as before, no Conservative in sight.

Before Mr Morgan writes letters claiming the Tories fight to protect the environment, he should first check his facts.

Cllr Eric Hyland

Hulton Park Ward

Lower Fold

