AN A-level student from Heaton has lost four months worth of coursework after thieves stole computer disks.

Daniel Kirkham, aged 18, had locked the equipment in the boot of his car to keep it safe, but thieves broke in and stole the disks, together with the car's £400 stereo system.

The disks contained his only copies of the coursework.

He said: "I couldn't believe it. My A-levels are in May and all the coursework has to be handed in next week. Even if college give me more time, I still have to start from scratch when I should be revising."

The white Citroen AX was parked on Bushell Street when it was broken into.

Anybody with information about the stolen items can contact Daniel on 07732 426889.

He said: "The boot lock had been drilled open and all of the back seats had been ripped up when the thieves had pulled the stereo system out."

Ironically, the thieves took everything except the remote control, which means the stereo is useless.