MAYOR of Bolton Cllr Kevan Helsby MBE chose Bolton Hospice and The Christie Hospital, Manchester as his dedicated charities for his official year in office.

Cllr Helsby said he realised the good work being carried out at the Hospice and was delighted to support the charity in its 10th anniversary year.

The Mayor explained that he felt a special affinity to cancer charities because his sister died of the disease in 1977 and his mother, Mona, was successfully treated for cancer in 1978 at The Christie Hospital and is still going strong at the age of 81.

When Cllr Helsby's father Herbert died two years ago the family requested that donations were made to Bolton Hospice, rather than sending flowers.

Cllr Helsby said: "Bolton Hospice has been helping people in Bolton for 10 years now. When I have visited the Hospice I have always been impressed with the staff and volunteers. Serving in-patients, out-patients and providing a visiting service it is a very important charity, which is why I chose it as one of my charities. It deserves the public's support."