CHILDCARE in Bolton is available in the form of nurseries or registered childminders. Bolton Council has a list of all the childcare facilities and the information can be obtained through the Children's Information Service. On average, childminders in the town charge between £2 and £2.50 an hour, which works out at roughly between £70 and £90 a week, for a full-time place. Private nurseries charge, again on average, around £20 a day, and an average of between £90 and £120 a week, again for a full-time place. When children reach the age of three, parents can apply for a funded place at a playgroup or private nursery or apply for a local authority nursery place. This entitlement is for free part-time nursery education.

The Children's Information Service can be contacted on Bolton 386030.

Click HERE for other reports on the issue of working mothers and childcare.

Have you had this problem or any other childcare problem? Write with your experiences of childcare to: The Editor, Bolton Evening News, Churchgate, Bolton. BL1 1DE or email