PART-TIME soldiers in Bolton could be called on to defend key installations from terrorist attacks if Ministry of Defence proposals are given the green light.

The Territorial Army may well be given an enhanced role in a so-called "homeland defence" to combat the increased threat of international terrorism.

Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon wants to rebalance the Armed Forces' capabilities in light of the September 11 attacks.

A "new chapter" to the 1998 Strategic Defence Review will be drawn up, laying greater emphasis on "agile and adaptable" armed forces capable of deploying around the world at short notice.

Soldiers from TA installations in Bolton would form part of the plan, although a Preston spokesman at Fulwood Barracks said nothing was as yet confirmed.

He added: "A discussion paper has been published but there are no definite plans laid down yet."

The MoD has said that air defences have already been strengthened to counter the threat of a civilian airliner being hijacked in a suicide attack.

A source said tightened security was likely during the Commonwealth Games this summer -- part of which takes place in Bolton. It follows the vigilant stance currently being taken in America during the Winter Olympics.

It is hoped the review will be completed by April.