I REFER to your articles in the BEN (February 11) regarding parking fines.

It is with amazement I read that a staggering £650,000 has been collected from parking fines. It is no wonder that the remaining town traders and and businesses are saying that trade is dwindling as a result of the current policy being imposed by the council.

I received a parking ticket for being over-parked while I was attending a council meeting which over-ran. I was giving my time on a voluntary basis and free of charge for the good of Bolton people in general. When I submitted my detailed appeal, it was dismissed with a standard and curt reply without my circumstances being investigated or queried.

Additionally, the parking meters currently being used do not give change, or allow you to select the length of time you wish to purchase. If you do not have change you may have to pay £1 for a short 10 minute trip to the bank.

I suggest the council reduce or scrap parking charges, or at least use parking meters that give change, or allow users to pay for the actual time parked. They, of course, would lose the "benefit" of the £350,000 parking revenue, but this would be more than offset by the additional business rates and revenue from a bustling and vibrant town centre, which we all deserve and wish for.

Andrew Morgan

Prospective Conservative Candidate

(Hulton Park Ward)

(address supplied)