AN MP is calling for unscrupulous pub landlords to be forced to serve a full pint.

Bolton West MP Ruth Kelly says drinkers deserve a full measure.

Research by trading standards officers has found that many pubs are getting the most they can from the barrel.

It says eight out of 10 pints served across the country are less than 100 per cent liquid and short measures are costing drinkers more than £1million a day.

Bolton Council receives about 25 complaints a year from drinkers who want to take official action.

But officers say there is an unwritten understanding that customers, particularly up north, like a head on their pint.

They do undertake undercover checks, but no action has been taken in the last few months although warnings have been issued.

In 1997 the Government passed legislation to introduce over-sized glasses with line markings to enable the consumer to see whether they have been served a full pint. But it was never enforced.

The Bolton West MP said she was concerned that the situation had been allowed to go on for so long. She is backing the latest CAMRA - Campaign for Real Ale - for a full pint.

"The majority of publicans work to keep their customers happy, but there are some unscrupulous pub companies who demand their workers to get as much beer out of the barrel as possible to increase profits," she warned.

"The findings of this research are quite staggering and I welcome the Government's proposals to introduce more effective protection against short measures."