SUSPECTED burglars are set to get a surprise Christmas card -- from the police.

But rather than wishing 'a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year', detectives are warning: "We're watching you".

More than 600 cards have been printed and will hit the letterboxes of Lancashire suspects in the next few weeks.

The action is part of Operation Reassure -- Lancashire Constabulary's campaign to reduce domestic burglary, especially in the run up to Christmas.

The special 'season's greeting' is on the Constabulary's official Christmas card stamped with the Operation Reassure logo and the words 'targeting domestic burglary'. Detective Chief Superintendent Adrian McAllister, who is leading the campaign, hopes burglars are left feeling very insecure.

"We are sending a special Christmas message to all those people we suspect of committing domestic burglary in Lancashire." he said.

"We are putting extra effort into targeting burglary and as a result those arrested will have little to celebrate over the holiday period."

This action is part of the third phase of Operation Reassure, launched on November 5.

Other features of the campaign have included extra officers patrolling residential areas, detectives being released from duties at headquarters to detect and analyse burglaries, and intelligence being compiled on repeat offenders. So far 196 arrests have been made for domestic burglary -- 85 suspects were charged. This has meant the detection of 57 domestic burglaries.

More than 90 arrests were made for other categories of burglary of whom 41 face charges.

"These figures are good news," said Det Chf Supt McAllister. "A considerable number of suspected prolific criminals have been arrested and taken off the streets.

"Many of those arrested have admitted responsibility for more than one offence and have been charged before the courts.

"We will continue to direct efforts to hot-spot areas and neighbourhoods and by targeting those people suspected of committing burglaries we will also have an affect on drug users and dealers."