AN environmentalist has toured Bolton's grot spots to produce a video which will encourage people to clean up the streets.

Dave Shuttleworth, a member of the Tidy Britain group and who is funded by Bolton Council, has made the 17-minute video which includes footage of estates in Deane, Tonge Moor and Breightmet.

The video, which is called Stop the Grot and cost £500 to produce, offers advice on recyling rubbish and how to dispose of dangerous litter such as glass and syringes.

Services offered by the council are also highlighted. They include wheelie bin collection, street cleaning and public tips.

Community forum groups and residents' associations will be able to borrow the video and it is hoped the film can be edited to show to potential council tenants when they are being interviewed by a housing estate manager.

Dave, who lives in The Haulgh, has worked on environmental projects for the council for seven years and produces similar videos for schools in Bolton.

He said: "Making this video proved to be a challenge because I'm so used to doing the films for schools.

"I think, in general, cleanliness is improving in Bolton but society is quite selfish and quite a lot of work still needs to be done."

Community groups which would like to borrow the video should get in touch with Myrna Fuller on 01204 336642.