I AM writing to you with regard to Royal Bolton Hospital and the bad publicity it has recently attracted.

I have every sympathy with people who have had bad experiences with the hospital, but I am sure that the staff are as fed up giving out this information and being forced to continually re-appoint, bearing in mind this happens to them 365 days a year, every year.

I am willing to bet, however, that consultants would see patients very quickly if a small word called "Private" were in the frame.

However back to reality, the NHS.

What the NHS managers must realise is that the money they use is ours, every one of us. It is all very well for inspectors to come in and say "This is wrong, That is wrong" if they are then to wear that hat "More than my job's worth". It achieves nothing except to demoralise those who have to deal with people every day.

So may I suggest that as the people who should, ultimately, hold the purse, we write to our local MP, whichever party, but the one in power preferably (they can act). The more the better.

The response would no doubt force them to act, if only to get us off their backs. So come on Bolton, tell them how you feel, get them to work for you, like they should!

Simon D P Panter

Church Street

Farnworth, Bolton