REGARDING the BEN front page story 'Queuing for a bed' on September 26.

What a fiasco, crisis management personified, with the same old solutions.

Yes, there is a massive shortage of beds, we all know that. But that was the case before the merger of the two hospitals, and guess what, the nett result was even less beds, not more, very forward thinking.

Today's crisis was so predictable, so why are the authorities still only talking about it. New wards should have been built four years ago. When the talking is over, it is likely to be two years before we see more wards.

Well, to whoever is responsible. It's not good enough. It's unacceptable. The people of Bolton and district don't want to be seen in terms of a bed, they want to be seen as a patient. No more of this nonsense of queuing to get into hospital, queuing to get into a bed, then being pressured to get out of it.

Now is the time for some serious action. We pay our taxes like everyone else. Bottom of the league and queuing for beds is not acceptable.

The NHS was not formed to give this level of service. So to you "Fat Cats" in charge, it's time to earn your huge salaries or take a walk, for sure there are others who can.

B Whittam

Barcroft Road

Smithills, Bolton