From the Evening News, October 1, 1976


HUNDREDS of Northern holiday-makers - including many from the Manchester area - are being shuttled home from Malta in a rescue operation following the collapse of the Medair tour firm. Many more passengers from the Manchester and Bolton areas who had booked with the Sheffield-based firm now stand to lose their holidays. But their money will be refunded through the Association of British Travel Agents emergency fund.

BILL Cocker Jnr is back in Horwich celebrating victory in one of Europe's top motor cycling events. Bill, 25, of Austins Lane, won the Switzerland international amateur moto-cross championship for "250" machines on Sunday.


From the Evening News, October 2, 1951

IN the last few days a small company of local students have been making tentative excavations on Turton's eastern boundary, near Watling-st., at Affetside. They have hopes of turning up concrete evidence that may prove as correct a theory held by a handful of local archeologists that hereabouts is the actual site of the Roman fort of Coccium.


From the Evening News, October 2, 1876

ABOUT twenty minutes to nine o'clock on Tuesday, an accident happened to one of Messrs. Holden & Co's hansoms. It was standing near the Roe Buck Inn, Kay-street, when the horse took fright, but before it had proceeded many yards it came in contact with a fish cart, causing a youth who was in charge of it to be hurled out of the cart and fall to the ground, giving him a severe shaking. The force of the collision threw the affrighted horse off its feet, and it dropped with such violence on the pavement as to severely bruise its legs, and inflict a large wound on its flank, from which blood flowed copiously. The fish cart was shattered.