DOES anyone remember a sweet shop on Rishton Lane? Reader Mrs Fiona Haselden (nee Taylor) tells me that as a young child growing up on Green Lane, Great Lever (she was born in 1968), she used to visit the shop, which was, she thinks, between Bullough's hardware shop and Spark's electrical shop - on the same side as the VG store!

"Could you solve a mystery and remind me what the sweet shop was called. I have many fond memories of spending my pennies on the penny tray and p trays and other delights in the shop. It was stacked high with jars of sweets, just like in the song 'The Candy Man'."

Well, I can't find anything about such a shop in our files, so perhaps someone out there in the wide world can help (perhaps you may also have a photograph!). If so, please let me know.