RESIDENTS living close to a Horwich factory have called for an investigation into the source of ash which is affecting their homes.

People from Chorley Old Road, Stevenson Street and Tredgold Street claim Horwich Castings is emitting the soot which floats through their open windows and builds up on their cars.

But company bosses have denied they are the source of the problems.

As reported in the BEN, Bolton Council's Environmental Health Department issued an enforcement notice against the Chorley New Road company, which produces metal castings for the railway and engineering industry, earlier this year following complaints about unacceptable noise levels coming from the premises through the night.

But now residents want the Environmental Health department to investigate the dust problem.

John Smith, of Stevenson Street, said: "We have a white door which needs to be cleaned every day which is very irritating.

"The factories around here shouldn't have been built so close to the houses in the first place - it was a poor planning decision."

Jackie Smith, of Tredgold Street, said: "My leather suite is being ruined by all the dust coming through the window.

"Last week when it was so hot I couldn't keep the windows shut because my dogs would have been baking.

"I am worried about the health implications because the workmen at Horwich Castings wear masks while we are all just breathing in whatever comes across on the wind.


"Whenever there's been problems with Horwich Castings the Environmental Health department has told us to ring the security guard there but why should we keep using our phone bills when nothing ever gets done anyway?"

Linda Duckworth from the Environmental Health Department said: "We have had some complaints about Horwich Castings and they are currently under investigation but there are potentially other sources behind the problems."

A spokesman from Horwich Castings said: "There are a lot of industrial works in this area and it is not us emitting soot or ash.

"We are monitored very closely by Health and Safety people and if we were not carefully following guidelines we would get into trouble."