IN reply to Ms C Marsden-McGlynn's letter (July 6). Ms Marsden-McGlynn is absolutely right.

There have been some unscrupulous "translators" of the Holy Scriptures (Bible). This is one reason I asked -- why has it not been amended, and, why is it still in use? If Ms Marsden-McGlynn knows that some versions of the Bible have been unscrupulously translated, why should she have to put up with such translations? She shouldn't!

Just as there are unscrupulous translators, there are also honest translators.

How do you find an honest translation of the Holy Scriptures? I would think a good way is to look at who the translators were and have they had a good reputation for honestly translating any other works? Also, who were the publishers? Is the translation being updated and revised as new information comes to light? If all these things are there, then it is possible that the translation is extremely accurate.

There are translations of the Bible that fall into these categories. An example is the New World Translation. Some may disagree, but, where, I wait to be shown. Maybe we should read Romans 1:28 before we talk about being sensible, and leave inaccurate translation of the Holy Scriptures alone (warts and all!). Surely we must strive to gain accurate knowledge!

Grenville Moore

Iris Avenue

Harper Green

Farnworth, Bolton