I NOTICE that Robert Harrison has once again got his facts wrong! (BEN: Saturday, July 7).

FACT: The Bolton Socialist Labour Party did not have any posters printed for the General Election in June. Fly posting is illegal, we want to gain people's vote, not to alienate them with unsightly illegal fly posting. I do not know what posters you have been looking at, certainly NOT the Socialist Labour Party.

I reiterate, I did not lose miserably, I proudly stood for my party and for socialism. I give people a chance to vote for a people, not profit, society. If only one person had voted for me it would have been worth standing. I am still proud of the votes I gained, not only did I gain votes, I also gained new members for our party. You write of "meagre returns" and "lost deposits", you talk only in terms of profit and loss. I am a socialist; I talk only for people -- not for profit!

I am sure many people would love to see a bit of the industrial strife you mentioned, because it would also mean that at last Britain once again had some industries for the unemployed workforce to find employment. As everyone is aware, all our industries have been decimated, not because of any strife on the part of the workforce, but for bigger and better profits. So much of our manufacturing is now done abroad, where the people are so desperately poor, that the manufacturers are practically getting slave labour. Do these wage savings bring down the cost to the buying public -- no way -- it just increases company profit.

As for our public services being strapped for cash; get real, what public service? Any public service worth anything has already been sold off to big business, at a fraction of its worth, and is now being propped up by the government using taxpayers' money, without any benefit to the taxpayer. With still more of our public services up on the auction block within a few years, this once great country will end up owning nothing.

You call us relics of the past. Thank you -- relics are much sought after, and have great value, they have stood and survived the test of time. Will the profit-is-god, short-sighted money grubbing politics of today stand the same tests, I doubt it very much. No matter what you think Mr Harrison, Socialism is rife and permeates all walks of life, Socialism is on the increase and not just in Britain, people worldwide have begun to realise that the Profit Before People system of politics is ruining our planet and our societies. Socialism is our only hope for a better future for our planet and our people.

Miss Lynne Lowe

Socialist Labour Party

Bolton North East CSLP

Athlone Avenue,

Oldham's Estate

Astley Bridge, Bolton