I WAS shocked to hear that the post office at Clayton Green is closing. Then I read of the closure in your newspaper.

I for one am dismayed that the post office have not had the decorum to inform its clients officially and the information centre will only tell you to contact the customer care manager PO Counters Ltd, Athenaeum, 8 Nelson Mandela Place, Glasgow G2 1BT.

I for one am going to contact them and ask all those who are affected to do the same and see if that will make them do something to alleviate our situation.

The Dillons group seem to have had an ulterior motive over this shop because there has been no care taken with the shop or exterior for a long while.

Customers have been told that shop and house have been sold by Dillons. I hope that a concerted effort by all concerned will get some movement in the right direction. Complain to your parish council, borough council and county council and if that doesn't do anything complain to your MP.

Save Clayton's post office.

Rob Brown, Preston Road, Clayton-le-Woods.