A GROUP of supermarket staff will be proving girl power rules the day when they abseil down Manchester Town Hall.

The four-strong women team from Asda in Horwich will be raising money for the Royal National Institute for the Blind when they soar down the 90-ft high building on Sunday.

None of the team has ever abseiled before, but store personnel manager Denise Brannigan has proved to be a daredevil in the past having enjoyed diving and paragliding.

The 30-year-old, who has worked at the store for seven years, said: "We're all a bit apprehensive. We've been told we'll have to go up to the top, face backwards and then jump into the air!

"Hopefully plenty of friends, family and colleagues will be cheering us on.

"None of the fellas wanted to have a go -- they're too scared!" The plucky women accompanying Denise will be 22-year-old counters supervisor Louise Neal, counters assistant Susan Jackson aged 38 and 32-year-old Stephanie Cadman who is a personnel clerk.

They all hope to collect £200 each through sponsorship and the RNIB aims to raise a total of £20,000 on the day which will go towards early year play schemes for blind and partially sighted children.