YOUR headline 'Lollipop Lunacy' does not surprise me.

I travel to Bolton once a week and am constantly shocked at the level of selfish driving I see regularly. On more than one occasion I have seen not only one car go through the lights at amber -- few of us can plead total innocence on that front -- but the following three cars shoot thorough on the red. Result? Gridlock at the junctions as the crossing traffic has tried to move forward on the green.

To ignore instructions at zebra crossings is appalling, particularly when children are involved. Here in Richmond motorists will stop well before the crossing to allow people, even those who might only be nearing the kerb, to cross in safety.

I have driven widely in this country and can confidently declare that, with the possible exception of London, Bolton motorists are the most inconsiderate I have ever experienced.

Daphne Clarke



N Yorks