IT'S third time lucky for a Horwich nursery school as they celebrate a near-perfect report from Government Education watchdogs.

Inspectors from Ofsted recently visited the Moorlands Children's Nursery on Chorley New Road and their report paints a picture of success.

The nursery, which has places for 70 three and four year-olds has been open for 12 years.

Of these pupils 30 are currently receiving funding from the local authority for places at the nursery. Proprietor Denise Hunt, a former nursery nurse, decided to "go it alone" and says she has never looked back. In the report of their findings the Ofsted inspectors stated: "Moorland Children's Nursery provides a very well-organised environment and the children are making good progress along the stepping stones towards the early learning goals.

"The quality of teaching is good and supports the needs of all children, with strengths in planning and relationships."

Miss Hunt said the school has had two previous Ofsted inspections both of which were full of praise and they had learned from comments made by the inspectors at the time.

She said: "We are delighted with this report although we are not entirely surprised because everyone at the nursery is extremely dedicated.

"The secret to any success is teamwork and I am lucky enough to have a great team at the nursery."

The nursery currently has a number of grant-assisted places still available for the September term and if you would like more information you can contact Miss Hunt on 01204 6695128.