THE week of May 13th to 19th is National Breast-feeding Awareness Week, so it is fitting to use the week to promote the health benefits of breast-feeding to both babies and their mothers.

The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breast-feeding of infants for six months, which reduces the risk of infectious and allergic disease in babies. For mothers, breast milk is the ultimate convenience food -- free, always available at the right temperature and, long term, reduces their risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer and later osteoporosis.

Help is available for any breast-feeding mothers who need support. In January, the National Childbirth Trust launched its new UK wide breast-feeding support line where parents phoning in are connected to an NCT volunteer breast-feeding counsellor. The number is 0870 444 8708 (8am - 10pm, 7 days a week). Alternatively, The Breastfeeding Network support line is open between 9.30am -9.30 pm daily on 0870 900 8787 and The Association of Breastfeeding mothers has a 24 hour helpline on 020 7813 1481.

Further information about the benefits of breast-feeding may be obtained from the Baby Milk Action website on

Dawn Robinson-Walsh

Area Contact

Baby Milk Action

Tottington Road,

Harwood, Bolton