HISTORICALLY, the Conservative Party is the most successful the democratic world has ever seen.

It was in power for two-thirds of the 20th Century. Its ability to reinvent itself, by adapting to new social and political conditions, has been truly remarkable.

Those basic facts form the backdrop to today's dramas. If the Tories lacked such a record of resilience, one would be tempted to believe that today's party had a death wish. Its leading MPs are behaving not just as if they know they are going to lose the coming election badly; too many are acting as if they no longer wish to communicate with the wider public at all.

Instead, like Labour in its darkest years in the early 80s, the Tories have started turning in on themselves. They are extreme, and in many cases senior figures are already manoeuvring themselves for the leadership contest that will inevitably follow a massive defeat in the polls in June.

For instance, William Hague signs a pledge to keep racism out of politics. It then appears that such is the current state of the Tories that this will be impossible. Then we hear Michael Portillo and Ann Widdecombe will not follow their leader's example and support the pledge. What other reason than to curry favour with the extremists who control the Tory Party do they have for not supporting William Hague?

The three Bolton Tory hopefuls must be tearing their hair out in frustration as the only prospect facing them is total humiliation on election day.

Amazingly, there are people here in Bolton who honestly believe that this Tory party which cannot succeed in opposition could control this country's finances and govern this country on the world stage. These very people must live in cloud cuckoo land.

Martin Wilde

Blackburn Road
