I WOULD like to respond to various letters and articles reference bus lanes -- are we not all missing the point?

Admit it, it makes sense that the only way to keep buses running to schedule especially during rush hour is to provide a corridor.

Car drivers should appreciate that they have the comfort of a vehicle all to themselves and stop stressing out about being held up. Allow more time for your journey, put your stereo on, you're not in a race.

It is a sign of a very selfish society when, as soon as we are inconvenienced, we road rage. I accept there are problems which need ironing out before bus lanes are installed and hope that solutions can be found. But, come on, if new road systems are installed let's try to make them work, not simply ignore them because they are new and it is too much effort to read the signs. Expect to be held up at rush hour.

In response to Mr Grundy's comments about driving school vehicles misusing bus lanes. Driving school vehicles seen misusing the bus lanes are pupils on driving tests being influenced by qualified drivers at the expense of their test. Everyone has a right to be on the road, so think how lucky you are to be in a car and let's all stick to the rules and change with the times.

Margaret Openshaw

Link School of Motoring

Montserrat Road
