THE number of drink drivers prosecuted by the courts in the Bolton area has increased - with the majority of offenders aged between 30 and 59 years.

In 1999 the total number taken to court was 483 but numbers increased last year to a total of 527, with 234 of those aged between 30 to 59.

According to figures compiled by the Licensing Committee mature men were statistically the most likely to drink and drive.

But the total number of female drink drivers dropped by two to 40 last year when compared to 1999.

In every age group category bar one, male drink drive figures have increased while the figures for female drink drivers were much lower and decreased slightly.

In 1999 there were two drivers aged between 10 and 16 years arrested for drink driving while last year that had increased to six.

For 17 year-olds the figure was two in 1999 and last year it increased to 14, in the 18 to 20 group, the figures were 53 and 69.


For drivers aged between 21 and 29 the figures increased from 123 in 1999 to 154 last year and for the 60 and over age group the figures showed a drop of two from 12 in 1999 to 10 last year.

According to the committee's chairman David Vause the figures have caused concern both to the committee and to the police and he questioned whether the time had now come to adopt a 'zero tolerance' to drink driving.

The committee also reported that the police have undertaken a series of initiatives under the new Crime and Disorder legislation, including confiscating alcohol from young people.

Last year the total number of such confiscations amounted to 41 and the police plan to continue this strategy throughout this year.

He also said that concern had been voiced over the incidence of violence in and around pubs and clubs which have been granted Special Hours Certificates and asked that any breaches be brought to the committee's attention promptly.