From the Evening News,

June 24, 1976

MANCHESTER International Airport will play major part in the future development of regional airports.

In 1990 Ringway could be handling 6.5 million passengers against today's annual estimate of 2.5 million.

This is the forecast in "Airport Strategy for Great Britain", a consultative document published by the Department of Trade.

The only other airport of significance in the North-west, says the report, is Blackpool, with an annual throughput of fewer than 150,000 passengers.

PLANS for a new college of art and design in Bolton have been dropped by the borough council. The £692,000 scheme was too costly, they decided.


SIR, - Bolton Transport Department are to apply for permission to introduce cheaper fares for old-age pensioners between certain hours and on certain days.

This matter has been considered by the Bolton branch of the National Federation of Old Age Pensioners, the only organization which can speak on behalf of the pensioners of this district. The Bolton branch represents more than 2,000 fully paid up members, and the Federation disassociates itself from supporting the Transport Department's request.

Reduce the fares wherever and whenever possible, but let it be a general reduction for all. We do not want to to be "on the cheap" because of age. My Federation want an increase in the basic pension rate - the present demand is for £2 a week minimum.

We desire to be able to stop and trade among our fellow citizens without any taint distinguishing our members from the average individual. Yours,

John N.V. Ramsbottom, Publicity Officer, Bolton Branch, National Federation of Old Age Pensioners.


WE hear that Mr Pullan, proprietor of the Theatre of Varieties, has made an offer to the Corporation for the plot of land between Mawdsley-street School and the new Balmoral Hotel, in Great Moor-street, with the intention of erecting a theatre to equal the Prince's and the Royal at Manchester, and also five large and handsome shops. If Mr Pullan's scheme is carried out it will vastly improve the neighbourhood on which he proposes to build, and a theatre such as he has in contemplation would no doubt be well supported by the public. The present Theatre of Varieties is undergoing alterations, the pit being fitted up with seats, and the interior of the building artistically decorated, the whole giving the place a light and cheerful appearance. The theatre has been closed a week to admit of the improvements, and will be re-opened on Monday.

WE are informed that J.P. Thomasson, Esq., has signified to the chairman of the Bolton School Board (the Rev. Canon Powell), his intention of endowing a number of scholarships of the value of £25 each yearly, open for scholars attending the public elementary schools in the borough, who intend to become pupil teachers. The object of Mr Thomasson is to improve the educational position of future pupil teachers in the town.