BOLTON'S Jenny Bowling is delighted to have spent a "miserable" weekend in London . . .

The 15-year-old member of the St Philip's AODS is already a veteran of the amateur stage, and spent Easter at an international Les Miserables masterclass.

Jenny first joined the theatre workshop at St Philip's aged just seven years, and has since appeared in starring roles in its recent adult productions such as South Pacific and the music Man.

But in London she was given the highlight of her dramatic "career" getting the chance to perform Fantine, a principal role in the smash hit show Les Miserables, on the stage of the Capital's Palace Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue.


It was all part of a three day masterclass, during which time participants got the chance to learn about vocal exercises, study music from chosen scenes and even meet two cast members -- including the actor in the main role of Jean Valjean -- of the West End show.

Jenny said: "It was hard work, very intensive, and ended with a performance at the end of the three days.

"I had never seen the show before, and it was absolutely brilliant.

"I got the chance to perform in three scenes -- the factory's At The End of the Day number, Lovely Ladies, and One Day More.

"We used the revolving stage and had the benefit of all the lights and professional sound people.

"I enjoy singing and acting and would have to sacrifice one for the other, so performing in musicals would be my ideal career. I was really nervous at first, but in the end didn't want to go home."

The course cost £200, proceeds from which are ploughed back into the Cameron Mackintosh education fund to provide further workshops for youngsters. Each participant was given a scroll at the end in the style of Jean Valjean's own parole certificate, complete with number.

Jenny, a pupil at St Joseph's School, Horwich, said: "I think my parents hoped that going and experiencing the hard work of the weekend, would have put me off a career in showbusiness -- but in fact it's quite the opposite!"