WHAT would happen if we were to request the building of Christian schools and churches in Pakistan, a shy BEN reader asked.

No answer came. This is because, although we are being encouraged to learn all about other cultures, we are not to know about anything unfavourable to us.

In this context, it has been decided long ago by many of our own politicians and other merely naive or hired Utopians that uninhibited racial, religious and cultural tolerance is only meant to apply to White Christian democracies and nowhere else. In our case this means the gradual suppression and eventual substitution of the English by vastly greater human numbers from abroad.

Wherever we look today, we are already being softened up and prepared for the inevitability of such outcome. The latest telephone bills, for example, are accompanied by a pamphlet depicting 12 apparently happy BT customers, seven of whom being non-Whites. (Totally unlike the Board of Directors, no doubt!)

A Sunday TV debate with Jonathan Dimbleby about 'Immigration and Asylum' presented a Conservative politician who seemed against both, but was wriggling and squirming, clearly fearful of what the national media would do to him in case of an honest answer. He opted for an overall spineless "Yo".

Not-so-coy Immigration Minister Barbara Roche MP was all in favour of immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees and played, not unexpectedly, the now always handy Holocaust card. Although an unlikely ally, shrewd Lord Parekh (anti-White British Commission on the Future of Multi Ethnic Britain) nevertheless agreed with the minister.

Accordingly, any numbers of foreigners just have to come here to compensate for our own lack of breeding success, to help feed our pensioners and to make up for the shortage of doctors, nurses and IT personnel.

Lord Parekh also noted with satisfaction a growing trend of white people mixing with other races, a thought definitely not entertained by orthodox Jews and Muslims. Professor David Coleman, who alone spoke out for the survival of the English, was duly branded a racist.

Despite our politicians falling over themselves to accommodate practically unchecked foreign multitudes which grow by the hour, and despite many British people already feeling the pinch because of it, Great Britain is nevertheless being constantly accused of acute racism and prejudice by organisations like the pompously-named Council of Europe or our native Runnymede Trust. (Has ever a hand that feeds been bitten more often?)

The anti-English lobby also stubbornly ignores the fact that, despite years of brainwashing attempts, a considerable majority in this country is still passionately against mass immigration and, in particular, against unlawful asylum seeking.

Of course, we know the piper -- but who calls the tune? Perhaps they who pay the most into the kitty of the most obliging political party?

Mrs B Stuart

Lord's Stile Lane

Bromley Cross