A SKIP hire company has been given the go-ahead to build three light industrial units at its Horwich HQ.

An application by Lostock Skip Hire for the three units at its site on Star Lane were given the thumbs up by members of the council's Planning Committee at their last meeting.

The committee were told that the site is part of an old reservoir which has since been filled in and is surrounded by industrial development.

Planners described the units as "typical for an industrial development" with part brick and steel facing.


But while the application was approved members noted that residents had raised concerns about the state of the entrance way to the site at Star Lane.

Cllr Dennis Barlow said: "We said that something needs to be done about this road and nothing has. When it is raining it is like being in a mud trap and if you go down there in your car it makes it even worse."

He asked for conditions to be put on the planning approval calling for the applicants to take steps to improve matters.

But council head of planning control Howard Barritt said: "The council has powers it can use if this continues to be a problem but we expect there will be developments in the next few weeks."