BOLTON families' very own masterpieces get the chance to line up alongside the genuine article at the town's art gallery.

A display of family snapshots is part of an initiative to involve the local community in the Family Fortunes' exhibition which opens this week.

The high profile exhibition will feature the work of world class artists including Hogarth, Gainsborough, Degas and Stubbs.

As the show focuses on families, staff at the gallery are asking people in Bolton to bring in their personal photographs to create a collage wall.

Photographs can be colour or in black and white, new or old, and represent a personal definition of the family showing friends, relatives or even pets.

Submitted pictures will be added to the collage throughout the exhibition, creating a living, breathing work of art.

Pictures will be scanned in and the originals sent back.

Anyone interested can post their pictures to the Museum, or bring them in marked, FAO Caroline Ashworth, marketing officers, Le Mans Crescent, Bolton. But remember to include full names and addresses.