MAY I take this opportunity to congratulate the 'Belmont Road Residents Committee' for the results of their campaign against IGW?

I am unable to do so in person, because although I have been a Belmont Road resident for five years, I do not know who this phantom committee are, where and when they meet, nor have I ever been invited to join or attend any of their gatherings.

I live directly opposite the garage, and have always been on very good terms with the shop and garage staff. I have felt more intimidated by the regular appearances of unsigned letters dropped through my door, often late at night, telling me where to write to in order to support their campaigns and what to say. On one occasion, I received a photocopied letter from a member of Bolton Council staff, with an added comment inciting me to complain. I am aware that some local residents have harassed and intimidated garage staff, and one of their night staff left as a result.

Contrary to what other reports may have been circulated, IGW never left burnt-out shells on the road for hours on end, all the vehicles recovered for the police and stored were securely locked away and the low loaders were always parked responsibly to avoid disruption. Nor have they ever used their security cameras to spy on residents, as the cameras are not able to do this. They are set up to monitor the police car pound to deter would-be thieves. In addition, the camera poles are not as tall as the telegraph poles, street lights or flagpoles and can hardly be described as obtrusive or intrusive.

I now live opposite a boarded up garage and a derelict house, both of which will soon become potential targets for vandals, graffiti artists and yobs.

Do the faceless residents committee consider this to be less of a nuisance than a working garage and shop?

To Mr Ian Workman -- may I take this opportunity to wish you every success in any future business venture.

And to the Belmont Road Residents Committee -- Well done everyone and Thanks!

Steve Pendlebury

Belmont Road

