IN his "Thought for the week" column (BEN: March 26) about the Foot and Mouth crisis, entitled "Let's call off the Election", the Rev Michael Williams, Vicar of Bolton Parish Church, fails to offer any logical link between the two issues.

Instead, he reaches his zenith of illogical thought and apparent ignorance. Does he not know why farmers breed animals in the first place? They are for slaughter, hopefully, while still healthy. We normally slay 100,000 healthy animals every week. Rev Williams suggests a day of mourning for the animals slain because of Foot and Mouth. Logically, a monthly day of mourning would seem appropriate once we are back to normal.

The Vicar thinks that farmers care for their beasts. Is that why they breed them, pen them, herd and transport them in such cruel and squallid conditions? Is that why they allow them to fearfully queue up to be slaughtered, often to be skinned, boiled and butchered before dead to pain?

Unfortunately, readers may assume that Rev Williams represents the thinking of local Church folk. Rest assured, he doesn't. The depressing tenor of his weekly column would suggest that the Church of England is no longer the Tory Party at prayer, but simply on its knees. He quotes phychologists rather than scripture. He suggests black arm bands rather than prayer to our God, our refuge at times like these.

Let us pray for the farmers, their families and their communities. Let us pray for our political leaders and all those making difficult decisions right now. Let us pray for our Church leaders, that they lead us not into depression.

John Hampson

New Hall Lane
